Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Inca Mask Activity

Inca Masks and Black History/Weaving Activity

Wayne State students from Metro Multicultural Fine Arts Director, Alice Smith's winter 2009 course, Social Sculpture: Creativity and Humanity are working with students  in kindergarden through 6th grade at Voyageur Academy in Detroit, Michigan. Art classes are offered through an after-school Art Club through the partnership between Wayne State and Voyageur Academy as they are not offered in the current cirriculum.  

The after-school program offers a variety of classes that include art history, technical learning and just for fun projects. Students learn about the lost civilization of the Inca from Peru and create their own mask showing characteristics of Peruvian art.  Students were encouraged to incorporate their own ideas while broadening their cultural perspective. 

For the weaving activity, students created woven textiles through the materials provided while learning about the importance of textiles in African crafts. The students used colors that are generally used in the cultures of West Africa.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Summer Program 2008

Our 2008 Summer Program was a great success! We would like to thank all those that made donations, the Promise Land Church and of course our dedicated teachers who volunteered their time and effort to help make this program a great one.